What Blue Lotus Means to Us
The lotus flower has a rich and meaningful symbolism, and we embrace that at Blue Lotus.
In Buddhism, it represents the journey towards enlightenment, the victory of spirit over the senses, and the triumph of wisdom over suffering. In India, the flower represents the individual's unfoldment and the soul's expansion. While in ancient Egypt, it symbolized rebirth and transcendence.
We believe that everyone is capable of achieving their highest potential, and we provide tools and practices to help individuals connect with their true selves.
The beautiful lotus flower blooms because it emerges from the mud. This is the bridge aspect in our wellness practices. From mud to bloom, let us be your bridge for everything in between.

"The lotus cannot be there without the mud. Likewise, happiness can not be there without suffering. Looking deeply into our suffering, we gain an understanding of it, which gives happiness a chance to blossom. Thus, the lotus does not have to reject the mud, and the beauty of the lotus actually gives value to the mud."
- Thích Nhất Hạnh

New to Energy Healing?
Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body's inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. That definition is a lot to process, click on the more info tab below for five facts that can clear up any confusion or misconceptions you may still have about energy healing.
Also follow us on all social media platforms to receive more information on mindfulness and holistic wellness topics.
Article by mgbmindfulness
Our Team
Blue Lotus Wellness Practitioners are here to provide a bridge to your wellness. We strive to address the root source of your issues to help you create the healthy, authentic, joy-filled life you desire. We prioritize on providing a safe space allowing you to be heard and nurtured.
Embark on a journey of holistic healing and rejuvenation with any of our transformative sessions!
Experience the powerful synergy of Sound and Vibrational Therapy to harmonize your mind, body and spirit. Regulate your nervous system to promote and activate your bodies natural healing abilities with Spinal Flow. Soothe yourself with the calming effects of Reiki.
All of our sessions are designed to have you dig deep into relaxation and guide you to a state of profound tranquility.
Discover the healing potential within you! Call to book your session today and begin your healing journey!